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Antworten: 16   Aktuellster Beitrag geschrieben von: GreenReaper (05.07.2005 00:00)

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Beiträge: 9
Registriert: Jun, 2005

norns fügen sich schmerzen zu geschrieben am: 02.07.2005 17:51
passiert es euch auch oft das eure norns sich selber schmerzen zufügen in dem sie z.b immer wieder gegen die wand laufen ?
Ich konnte es vorallem an 2 stellen feststellen einmal bei der stelle wo man den Forschrungsbaukasten findet und beim aufzug in der untersten etage , dort wo auch der 2te lerncomputer steht .
Sogut wie immer wenn ich dem norn in diesen bereichen einen gefehl gebe fügt er sich schmerzen zu indem er gegen die wand läuft .

AW: norns fügen sich schmerzen zu geschrieben am: 02.07.2005 17:53
Von: Lioba    Beiträge: 432 / Registriert: Jan, 2003
Das ist normal. Die ursprünglichen Norns hatten einen Gensfehler der sie dazu veranlasst immer gegen Wände zu rennen^^

AW: norns fügen sich schmerzen zu geschrieben am: 03.07.2005 10:37
Von: Tina    Beiträge: 1.345 / Registriert: Nov, 2004
Warum wurden diese offensichtlichen Fehler eigentlich erst bei den Spielern bemerkt?

AW: norns fügen sich schmerzen zu geschrieben am: 03.07.2005 11:42
Von: Mummy    Beiträge: 5.598 / Registriert: Okt, 2002
Gute Frage... aber wahrscheinlich wurde C2 zu schnell herausgebracht ohne wirklich durchgetestet zu sein...

AW: norns fügen sich schmerzen zu geschrieben am: 03.07.2005 13:20
Von: Toa-Nuva    Beiträge: 4.282 / Registriert: Jul, 2003
Ich hab mal irgendwo gelesen, dass es ziemlich oft passieren soll, dass die Spiele nahezu ungetestet rausgebracht werden, um die Kosten für's Testen zu sparen, die Firmen lassen sich lieber kostenlos die Bugs von den Käufern schicken und bieten dan Patches zum Download an. So ähnlich wird's wohl auch hier gewesen sein...

AW: norns fügen sich schmerzen zu geschrieben am: 03.07.2005 13:27
Von: MK-Grendel    Beiträge: 2.975 / Registriert: Jan, 2005
² Geiz ist geil (diese solgan wurde ja auch von einer Firma rausgebarcht)

AW: norns fügen sich schmerzen zu geschrieben am: 03.07.2005 15:01
Von: Tina    Beiträge: 1.345 / Registriert: Nov, 2004
Naja,aber wri haben die Fehler bemerkt,und korriegiert.

AW: norns fügen sich schmerzen zu geschrieben am: 03.07.2005 15:09
Von: Toa-Nuva    Beiträge: 4.282 / Registriert: Jul, 2003
²Marcus: Der Spruch war doch von Saturn, oder? Und dort werden Spiele ja nur verkauft, und nicht programmiert.

AW: norns fügen sich schmerzen zu geschrieben am: 03.07.2005 15:14
Von: MK-Grendel    Beiträge: 2.975 / Registriert: Jan, 2005
² Also ich weis nicht ob sie den nicht bei irgendeiner Firma bestellt haben, eine werbe firma oder so was. Und Glaubst du die Spiele unternehmer denken anderst???


Re: AW: norns fügen sich schmerzen zu geschrieben am: 03.07.2005 23:56
Von: GreenReaper    Beiträge: 77 / Registriert: Jan, 2005
Well, there are various reasons for that . . . C2 was making the C1 engine do things which it wasn't really designed to do (which is why they made the Creatures Evolution Engine for C3), and there were problems with development of the genome, and the publishers of the game had a strict deadline.

The annoying thing was that they downplayed the problem, saying there was little wrong with the genome - some still do, and it's still a bit of a raw nerve after 6 years.

On the plus side this meant that things like the Canny Norns and Nova Subterra were made by the community. But it did also mean a lot of C1 people got dispirited and left the community, which was unfortunate.

Re: AW: norns fügen sich schmerzen zu geschrieben am: 04.07.2005 00:03
Von: GreenReaper    Beiträge: 77 / Registriert: Jan, 2005
I would note that C2 having problems was probably not a big reason for the later problems that CL had. C2 sold well. It was C3 that did not, and as much as I would like to think that the poor norns of C2 affected that, there is a better explanation - the publisher did a really bad job marketing and distributing it!

I visited Gameware and had a chat with Ian Saunter about things, and I think I understand why CL died a lot better now. You guys might find this report that I wrote about it interesting - sorry it's so long, but there is a lot to tell . . .

AW: Re: AW: norns fügen sich schmerzen zu geschrieben am: 04.07.2005 12:01
Von: Mummy    Beiträge: 5.598 / Registriert: Okt, 2002
GreenReaper for the article, it's pretty long and I didn't understand everything. But one information I'd better not read: There is not likely to be a Creatures Loci, or a Creatures 4.

Re: AW: Re: AW: norns fügen sich schmerzen zu geschrieben am: 04.07.2005 12:23
Von: GreenReaper    Beiträge: 77 / Registriert: Jan, 2005
What I meant is that there will be no "next game after Docking Station" - no sequel, like Loci was intended to be a sequel. If there is another "Creatures" game, is far more likely to be a development of BAMZOOKi that will be like the original Creatures. And it will probably be developed over time by adding features to this software, unlike the first Creatures which came "all in one".

The reason for this is because that Gameware is still very small and cannot afford to spend two years working on another game that will not sell. Instead, they must sell games based around improved versions of the same game engine (perhaps to different people) until they end up with a good engine that does all the things required for a Creatures game. BAMZOOKi is the first step. I think it will be more obvious when we see the next step.

Of course, plenty of people (here especially! ) do very well with Creatures 2, let alone Creatures 3 and Docking Station. The Creatures games are still the most advanced artificial life simulation in the form of a game that I know of. I feel we can live quite nicely on user-created additions to these games until we have something new from Gameware, perhaps in a few year's time.

I am confident that there will be something new, in time, because there is obviously a market for Alife games when you look at the sales of Creatures - even now, few games sell more than 50,000 copies, and it eventually sold 10 times that. And for now, perhaps we can collect a few of the people from the communities of the other games that Gameware are making who want something a little more advanced . . .

AW: Re: AW: norns fügen sich schmerzen zu geschrieben am: 04.07.2005 12:39
Von: Alien    Beiträge: 4.732 / Registriert: Okt, 2002
Good, so you managed to visit GE! Welcome to the club of CL cup owners. (umh...minor thing... my name's spelled wrong there )
Thanks for those informations! I knew some of those background informations already, I got told when I visited Creatures Labs. They even had some pictures of a very promising looking game around at that time, they (of course!) had to stop developement of. It was a kind of a "pinball" with a physics engine built in. But some was also new to me.

I gave up hope they would ever develop a Creatures 4. It's over now with that title. They decided to move on...
Well, at least, it's over with developing for Creatures, but the CC still lives. Kind of amazing, if you come to think of it ... and here's also a wiki written about it! What did Ian say to all this? Weren't those people a bit amazed, that the CC is still there and didn't go down together with the closing of CL in March 2003? (what some people actually predicted).

I'm not so sure, as I don't know many other games than Creatures, but I still think it's a pretty rare thing that a community sticks together and stays "glued" to a game title as old as this is...

AW: norns fügen sich schmerzen zu geschrieben am: 04.07.2005 14:07
Von: GreenReaper    Beiträge: 77 / Registriert: Jan, 2005
Whoops . . . *fixes*! - there is an English name that is spelt that way, and so my fingers wrote that instead.

The question of community requires some explanation. I apologise that the text below is long (and of course in English, sorry!), but I want to make sure there is no misunderstanding about what I say.

I would like to say that Ian was greatly pleased that the community had survived. I think he was a bit surprised at that, but I think this stems more from not ever being a close part of it to start with. He was pleased for us - particularly the people who he personally knew, who had visited before - but I did not get the impression that the community itself had a very special place in his heart, as I know it obviously does for many here. I think this is because he doesn't consider himself a part of it.

Do not get me wrong - I do not mean to imply that Ian does not care about Creatures or the people that it made happy. But it seemed to me that his pleasure was in the sense of achievement of a good game, and not in the fact that it had gathered and sustained a huge community around it. Some people are motivated by community interest, but I do not think he is, more by the sense of a job well done. Obviously a large community is some indication of that; he was pleased that people found it interesting enough to take so much time over it, as that confirms that it was indeed a good game. I asked him whether there was anything in particular he was proud about the games, but he said that he was just proud that he helped Creatures to exist - which is fair enough, because that was exactly his job.

I got a strong impression that the CC is a curiosity to him, perhaps because it had never really happened with any of the other games he developed. Maybe he finds it hard to relate: I do not find this surprising, as I know of very few middle-aged men in the CC - it's not quite the target market! - and those that have been were often interested in specific things about the game (like the brain) rather than the community itself.

For example, when I asked, he felt very strongly that he would never edit a wiki article (even if he saw it was wrong) because he does not feel that it is his place/his right to do so. He was not too concerned about the possibility of there being errors or omissions in it. Although . . . he was a little hurt that the first line about him said "he did some testing" - I had to explain that I could only go on the information I had available, and since he had said very little (unlike Steve Grand or Toby Simpson), I could only write what I could find in manuals. This is the disadvantage of being in the back-room - nobody outside knows what you do!

Of course, when asked, he was perfectly willing to spend almost half a workday talking to me about Creatures, and he was very passionate about Creatures and the other things that CL made (he was particularly proud of R2-D2). I could feel his pain when he talked about how he had to fight to keep people in the company that were needed to make products, even when he was being urged to lay off people, and about the disappointment when Origin never really worked out. The things he did appear to want to be remembered by were those games that he helped CL achieve - and he was a big help in understanding why some of these had been made and published rather than the Creatures games that we wanted.

I guess this might be one reason CL was never the most open of companies, although some people inside did try to talk to those outside - if the leader is not making talking to people outside a high priority, others will not either. Of course, it is also the case that he and others were pretty busy trying to stay in business at the time!

Having met Ian, I have a great confidence that he will be able to lead the development side of Gameware to success. I just do not think that we can expect to see him taking a large part in the community, because that is just not the sort of person that he is. The closest he gets are the informative articles and news posts, like the "Potted History of Creatures". I think Lisa is probably pretty tired of actively having to talk to us all the time, too, after being a public face of CL for 6 years. On the other hand, Ian has said that he is pleased to answer questions if people have them, so if there is anything we have a burning wish to know, we can always ask.

One thing he did mention was that it would be nice if the Creatures community could develop into a Virtual Life community. I could see this happening, maybe . . . if we got the tools to do it. I don't know, would you be interesting in making critters as well as Creatures?

AW: AW: norns fügen sich schmerzen zu geschrieben am: 04.07.2005 23:12
Von: Alien    Beiträge: 4.732 / Registriert: Okt, 2002
Sorry, if it sounded a bit rude what I mentioned about Ian. I never wanted to imply that he should be kind of a "leader" of the CC. No, really not. That's not his job, but making Creatures (and other games) is his job. What his motivations are, I think I can feel from what you said and it's perfectly fine by me. I mean, I have a job for living, and Creatures as a hobby, and for Ian, game developing is first for living and then...maybe a bit of a passion and therefore his motivations. And maybe he's just a bit ... shy and not the kind of type that throws himself at everyone. This is something I respect and I would never ask him to do so. All in all, he's a business man and there's another role he's got to take and fill than just being concerned about how everyone in the CC feels. But I appreciate that he said, he's open to questions and willing to answer them. And maybe, your report puts him into a brighter light he deserves, imho. 'cause I think it's good we all know now he's not just the "testing guy" Maybe he would even deserve a special norn doll, but then... he's a middle aged man and maybe not such ...errr... cuddly norn doll fan...

As for critters... well, depends... if they score a high point on my "cuteness scale" I might fall for them the same way I did for Creatures.

Oh, and about my name, don't worry. Wasn't the first time it got written wrong. So here's the explanation: "Eliane" is the french female version to "Elias". Whereas "Elaine" is said that it's the french form for "Helen", but funny enough, only seems to be used in English spoken countries. The only french form for "Helen" I know is written "Hélène", but pronounced similar to "Elaine".
So just name your next norn after me and you will always remember.

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Albia - a place where you can dream - Alien's Creatures World - Creaturesisland - Generation Norn - Kari's Page - Lunatic World - Mummy's Creatures - The Undeadly Norn - Toa-Nuva's Spieletipps - Zauberalbia

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