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kage from kage e-mail
Updated: August 30, 2000

Kailolu-Lekili Adoption Centre from kailolu-lekili e-mailkailolu_lekili@yahoo.co.uk
Updated: December 17, 2004
Very beautiful Creatures, very nice looking. Some have bird wings and mermaid tails!! Great adoptions!
Most Norns require breeds. All bred by Kailolu and Lekili for Creatures 2.

kayla33 from kayla33 e-mail
Updated: July 30, 2008

kc11 from kc11 e-mail
Updated: January 5, 2007

ladydyke from ladydyke e-mailsherry40@charter.net
Updated: April 10, 2003
different and unusal third party breeds. Many need special sprites.

Lanas Creatures from liselotte123 e-mailmamapapaschlumpf@t-online.de
Updated: September 23, 2002
Viele viele bunte Wesen für Creatures3 =)

leny_gomez20@hotmail.com from leny_gomez20@hotmail.com e-mail
Updated: August 8, 2008

Leporidae's Creatures from Leporidae e-mailsharai.simon-wilson@earthlink.net
Updated: February 10, 2007
Yup. These are Leporidae's creatures. You know, the guy from the GW community. Yup, some of her critters are all here and ready for download. Yuup . . .
The homepage is ne and under construction, so there might not be a whole lot of things in here. Yuuup . . .

Lindis Norns from Lindi e-maillindipekel@hotmail.de
Updated: November 21, 2009
Ich werde nach und nach meine liebsten Eigenzuechtungen (also was aus mehereen Rassen entstanden ist) zur Adoption geben :-). Es werden auch nach und nach ein par Maschinen (Blaupausen) dazu kommen die ich immer mal wieder verwende.
Ach ja Es gibt hier Norns f?r C3,DS,C1 und C2 (haben bisher noch keinen guten Nachwugs.)
Ich werde in den Ferien am meisten machen mitlehr weile habe ich 10 Norns (davon 1 C1, 1 C2, 5 C3, 3DS) und 2 Etting (2 C3) on gestelt, 2 Agenten (f?r DS und C3) und 1 Rasse (1 C3 und DS) und noch vieles Mehr...
Seit heute findet ihr auch von mir Erstelte Agenten bei mir. Schaut einfach mal bei Dinge f?r DS und Agenten dort findet ihr dan den ertsen erstelten Agenten von mir...

Lisa´s creatures from lisa e-mailmichael.leib@t-online.de
Updated: December 29, 2001
Hier findet ihr bunte Mischungen von c2 und c3 norns und meine c2-rasse die starelfs

Lone's Genetic Breeds and Other Projects from lone--wanderer e-maillone--wanderer@hotmail.com
Updated: February 5, 2008
Hosting All-Night Crackathons every Saturday since 2007!

lotko from lotko e-mail
Updated: October 15, 2002

lozzy from lozzy e-mail
Updated: December 26, 2006

lunafay from lunafay e-mail
Updated: February 9, 2006

Lynn's Albia from Lynn e-maillynn5@gmx.ch
Updated: January 5, 2006
Bei mir könnt ihr Nornies,Ettins, Grendels und ein eigenes Objekt für C2 downloaden!
Jetzt neu: farbeditierte Ettins und Grendels

lyra88 from lyra88 e-maildaddysangelnic@aim.com
Updated: July 11, 2006

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Creature Labs and CyberLife are registered trademark and the CyberLife, Creatures Lab, Creatures, Creatures 2 and Creatures 3 and Docking Station logos are trademarks of Gameware Europe in the United Kingdom and other countries. CyberLife, Digital DNA, Creatures, Albia, and Norn are also trademarks of Gameware Europe which may be registered in other countries.
Images Copyright Gameware Development Ltd 2004 and used with permission

"Norn Adoption Center" by Michael Röschter 2000-2004